Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla. Nº 16, 2015 - page 242

240 Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla
Urbanization of the Huerta del Retiro. Architects: García Pérez y
Marrón Barrera.
General Reform Project of Seville. Architect: José Saez Lopez. The
document contemplated the purpose of promoting the sanitation
and improving the inside of the city, especially the interior road.
Most of the interventions are proposed in the noble area of the city.
In terms of the project, it is visible the creation of a road between
the current Jardines de Catalina de Ribera, or Huerta del Retiro, and
Plaza Virgen de Los Reyes, as well as the opening of a road between
Puerta de Jerez and the City Council. Also, this document envisaged
the implementation of the project for the Calle San Fernando.
In this century (year 1873), proposals were made for the creation of a
railroad station in Seville to Alcala and Carmona, with extension to
Montilla, in three different locations: Huerta del Retiro (current Jar-
dines de Catalina de Ribera), Patio de Banderas and Plaza del Triunfo.
In the XX century, and before the 1946 General Plan, the most in-
teresting projects are:
Construction of a Great Way on the District of Santa Cruz, by An-
gel M. Martinez.
In 1903 the architect Manuel Martinez Angel proposes the imple-
mentation of a partial expansion through the opening of a new
route between Calle Mateos Gago and Paseo Catalina de Ribera,
following the proposal for the expansion of Talavera for the Dis-
trict of Santa Cruz in 1882. In 1902 Manuel Peña Fernandez pro-
posed the opening of the District of Santa Cruz by linking the Plaza
de la Alianza with the Ronda Histórica. The aim of these proposals
was to profit from the empty lots of the Huerta del Retiro
Plan for Interior Reform and Reform of the center of the city. Un-
der the direction of the Marquis de la Vega Inclán, the transforma-
tion of the District of Santa Cruz and a direct connection to the
outside through the Huerta del Retiro is proposed.
On September 23rd 1910, the project of the municipal architect Juan
Talavera to expand the width of the Calle San Fernando towards its
southern flank is approved. This intervention marked the shift of
the fence of the Fábrica de Tabacos and the elimination of dwell-
ings on the left side near the Puerta de Jerez. The works were made
between 1919 and 1923, and the fence was put 12 meters away from
the primitive line. In the plans of 1929, the street already appears
renovated and ended by Hotel Alfonso XIII, at its western end.
In 1902, the extension project of the District of Santa Cruz through
a Royal Order issued by the Government to the City Council Civil
is approved. This new approach enabled to solve the problem of
permeability the District of Santa Cruz thereby connecting the old
center with contemporary perimeter buildings. The project is not
implemented until 1911, when the grounds of the Huerta del Re-
tiro are transferred to the City Council, in particular the triangular
space of the northern end of the gardens, with the condition that
no buildings will be built and will always be used as garden. After
obtaining the land, the wall that limited the southern flank of the
Plaza Alfaro is demolished. On September 5th 1913, the alignments
project of the new street between the Muro del Agua, Plaza Alfaro
and Paseo Catalina de Ribera is developed.
General Urbanization Plan of the surroundings of Seville and ex-
tension and widening of some of its streets coupled with the new
bridge Alfonso XIII, written by Miguel Sanchez Dalp y Calonge.
The future growth of the city is drawn through a homogene-
ous modulator alignment, and its ground is an extensive grid
of blocks, built with straight streets that orthogonally intersect.
Among them is the so-called Calle Nueva de San Fernando and
its extension, through the Prado de San Sebastian, in the current
Avda. De Carlos V, and another street, NS direction, tangent to
the walled center and La Ronda of the wall, extended to the south
of the Puerta de la Carne through Paseo Catalina de Ribera and
Maria Luisa, and to the north of the Puerta del Sol, towards the
connection railway line.
The project of opening and expansion of the Plaza de la Alianza has
its origins at the beginning of the century, when in 1902 Manuel
Fernandez Peña proposes the implementation of a connection
route between the Plaza Virgen de los Reyes and the outer Ronda
through the Huerta del Retiro, including both the Plaza of the Al-
liance as the Plaza de Alfaro in the route. The implementation of
this project was also delayed, until finally in 1963the opening of
the current Calle Joaquin Romero Murube took place following the
project of 1943.
General Urban Development Plan of 1946
In the General Plan of 1946, drafted by the municipal architects
with the participation of Mr. Pedro Bidagor, it is proposed a system
of beltways that, regardless of their circulatory function, draws a
series of expectations on the territory.
This Plan contemplates the Calle San Fernando, in the East-West
axis, as an union between Avda. Ramon y Cajal-Enramadilla and
the district of Remedios. As development of this plan several
projects emerged with have a common denominator: the widen-
ing of the road and the replacement of the building with one of
greater excellence and height emerged. The street is intended as
a roads axis, but also as a place of privileged location, capable of
transmitting a dignified and representative picture of the “New
City”. The projects proposed the integration of the hotel gardens
and the University with the street by breaking down the fence.
On the left sidewalk, the size of the plots looked insufficient to
accommodate modern buildings capable of improving the image
of the street.
Accordingly, and as a pre-step to the rebuilding of the street, it is
expected to expand the plots by moving the wall of the Jardines
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