Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla. Nº 16, 2015 - page 247

• Archaeological research with the identification of the different
areas, the possible historical paths, the limits of the different cit-
ies, the evolution of the walled enclosure, monuments, historic
gardens, etc.
• Establishment of measures for the protection of existing land-
scape values: The views, facades and urban profiles.
• Protection and enhancement of urban spaces, buildings and
other significant elements, through a rigorous cataloguing,
which guarantees the maintenance of traditional structures and
typologies, determining their architectural ability to assume new
uses and transformation capacity.
• Recovery of the properties that make up the Patio de Banderas,
currently owned by the National Heritage, as a continuation of
the process of transfer to the municipality of the various build-
ings and gardens that made up, at the time, the Real Alcázar, a
process that was interrupted due to the Civil War.
• Recovery of those buildings which are perimeter to the current
enclosure, such as the Palacio de la Contratación and the Postigo
de la Judería, also as a continuation of the process mentioned
• Delimitation of the enclosure of the Real Alcázar, with the exact
identification of the estates affected by the BIC delimitation,
with the determination of the interventions conditions in both
the state and its surroundings, which will be defined in accord-
ance with the provisions of Law 14 / 1007 of the Andalusian
Historical Heritage.
• Maintenance of the general characteristics of the urban area,
alignments, and plots and building typologies.
• Establishment of the conditions which have to submit the new
constructions and the replacement of not catalogued buildings
to achieve their environmental and morphological integration
into Historical Complex.
• Special attention to the recovery and proper treatment of exist-
ing open spaces (streets, squares, etc.).
• In order to establish the effectivenedd of the Special Plan, channels
of coordination of the Administrations with competence in the
Historical Complex should be established, encouraging possible
agreements with the different Administrations to order public
investments in accordance with the objectives of the Plan.
2. General planning
The current General Plan in force does not expect any action inter-
nal reform. Within the Special Protection Plan, it is distinguished
the intervention on the not classified plot, whose maximum de-
gree of works will be the new construction and which will be regu-
lated by different ordinances marked by the General Plan, and that
this document contains, and the intervention in plots where there
are catalogued buildings, whose regulation is aimed at allowing the
intervention (particularly restoration) in which value is placed on
all the elements of interest that are recognized in the catalogue to
develop in the initial approval document, including in this docu-
ment a proposal for cataloguing.
3. Delimitation of B.I.C. “Real alcázar”.
The Decree of June 3rd 1931 corresponding to the declaration as a
Historic-Artistic Monument of the Reales Alcázares and its Gar-
dens, does not contemplate any delimitation of the Cultural Inter-
est Site. Therefore, in the present document, the delimitation of
it is proposed, as the competence for the declaration as a Cultural
Interest Site of the said proposal corresponds to the Andalusian
Regional Government.
All buildings belonging to Patio de Banderas are included in the
delimitation, as indicated in the corresponding proposal plan for
planning. Also, the proposed surroundings of the B.I.C. are pro-
posed and, given the delimitation of the sector, includes all the
plots located within the boundaries of the same that don’t belong
to the Alcázar BIC.
The B.I.C. is delimited by the enclosure line that includes the wall
of the Plaza del Triunfo, Calle Joaquin Romero Murube, Plaza de la
Alianza, and Calle Rodrigo Caro, continues through the rear of the
plots numbers 18 and 20 and Calle Rodrigo Caro (cadastre 53180-38
and 53180-40, respectively), rear of numbers 11, 10 and 9 of the Plaza
de Doña Elvira (cadastre 51380-41, 51380-42 and 51380-43, respectively)
rear of Calle Vida N. 2 (cadastre 53180-02), alley of Calle Judería, rear
of numbers 6, 3, 2 and 1 of Calle Judería (cadastre 53180-70, 53180-71,
53180-72 and 53180-73, respectively), continues along the side, inter-
mediary with Jardines del Alcázar in Calle Judería No. 4 (no cadastral
reference), rear of Calle Vida No. 10, 10A-12 (cadastre 53180-44 and
53180-45, respectively), continues from Calle Agua to Plaza Alfaro,
continues through the enclosure wall of the Alcazar to Jardines de
Murillo, current facade of the property located at Calle Antonio El
Bailarín No. 1, currently a nursery, (cadastre 53180-01), continues to
the enclosure wall of Jardines del Alcázar in Paseo Catalina de Ribera,
continues through the rear of the plots located at Calle San Fernando
No. 41, 39, 37, 35, 29-31, 25-27, 23, 21, 19, 17 , 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, and 5 (cadastre
53180-03, 53180-04, 53180-05, 53180-06, 53180-07, 53180-08-09, 53180-
10-11, 53180-12 , 53180-13, 53180-14, 53180-15, 53180-16, 53180-17, 53180-
18, 53180-19, 53180-20 and 53180-21, respectively), rear of Plaza Puerta
de JerezNo. 1, Yanduri Palace (cadastre 53180-24), rear of CalleMariana
Pineda No. 8, 12-14, 16 and 18 (cadastre 53180-28, 53180-30, 53180 53180-
32 and -31, respectively), continues ahead of the plots located at Calle
Dean Miranda No. 1A and 1B (cadastre 53180-33, 53180-34, respective-
ly), Dean Miranda No. 1 (cadastre 53180-02), Plaza de la Contratación
No.3 (cadastre 53180-90), rear of No. 3 and 1 of CalleMiguel deMañara
(cadastre 53180-35-37 and 53180-69 respectively) and passing in front of
the Wall until the beginning in Plaza del Triunfo.
4. Interventions in uncatalogued plots.
As already mentioned, the arrangements marked by the General
Plan document for the sector remain, meeting with only one or-
ganization: Historical Center Planning and having to comply with
the Special Management Ordinances Historical Center listed in
Chapter II of Title XII, Book II of the Regulations of the General
Urban Plan 2006.
5. Uncatalogued buildings.
The guidelines established by the General Urban Development Plam
of 2006 are followed in the sense of eliminating the level of environ-
mental protection and preserve only four levels of protection: Integral
(A), the Global (B), Partial in Grade 1 (C) and Partial in Grade 2 (D).
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