Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla. Nº 16, 2015 - page 239

The approval for the sectorisation of the Advance of the Special Pro-
tection Plan of the Historical Site in Seville by the Ministry of Culture
of the Junta de Andalucia, has resulted in the division of the Historic
Seville in 27 sectors in which it is necessary to draw some kind of pro-
tection planning for validation and to delegate powers to authorize
works or performances on the properties included within each of the
sectors, once the binding report issued referred to in art. 29 of Law
14/2007 of Historical Heritage of Andalusia. Among these sectors is
the Sector 6 “Real Alcázar”, the subject of this Special Plan.
In the document Advance Special Protection Plan of the Historic Se-
ville It is considered that the Sector 6 “Real Alcázar” is one of the sec-
tors which, given its uniqueness and being most of its area declared
B.I.C. (Cultural Heritage Site), was sufficiently protected by the decla-
ration itself as Site of Cultural Interest, and therefore, the drafting of
any special planning would not be necessary.
The new General Plan, finally approved on July 19th 2006, establishes
the detailed urban planning of the sector by allocating detailed uses,
heights and other determinants of building, complementing the pro-
tection conditions required by the legislation of Historical Heritage
through the production of cataloguing cards, included in the appen-
dix of this Plan called Supplementary Plan of the Historical Complex,
without providing further development instruments.
Regarding the archaeological heritage, the new General Plan recom-
mends the drafting of a Special Plan for Archaeological Protection
Plan for BIC sectors of the Historical Complex, including the Sector
6 “Royal Alcázar”.
The “Real Alcázar” is currently B.I.C. (Cultural Heritage Site) due to the
first additional provision of Law 16/85 on Spanish Historical Heritage
in which all those sites declared historical and artistic happen to have
such consideration. The original declaration as a Historic-Artistic
Monument, is made under a decree, dated on June 3rd 1931, published
in the Gazette of Madrid of 4 June 1931, not explicitly but generically
as belonging to the palaces and gardens that belonged to the Crown
Forest, so there is no delimitation of the area declared as amonument.
According to the delimitation in areas of theAdvance of the Special Plan
of the Historic Complex of Seville, the Sector 6 “Real Alcázar” not only
covers the Real Alcazar, but the Gardens of Murillo and Paseo Catalina
de Ribera and other adjacent buildings of great historical value.
Although the new General Plan, as indicated above, does not include
the drafting of any documents of urban development for the sector,
however, if does provide the drafting of a Special Plan of Archaeological
Protection for this sector, which is the main objective of the Board of
Real Alcázar and the TownHall, and, despite the foregoing, the unique-
ness and importance of the same advise the latter to include a special
plan that also contemplates aspects of urban protection and urban im-
provements that give value to the property, delimit BIC correctly and
control the possible uses and interventions on the affected properties.
The scope of the Special Planwill be the Sector 6 “Royal Alcázar” of the
Advance of the Special Plan of the Historical Site of Seville: The sec-
tor 6 “Royal Alcázar” is bounded by the following streets and squares:
Plaza Puerta de Jerez, Calle SanGregorio, CalleMariana de Pineda, Calle
DeánMiranda, Plaza de la Contratación, CalleMiguel deMañara, Plaza
del Triunfo, Calle Joaquín Romero Murube, Plaza de la Alianza (cur-
rent Plaza del Ministro Indalecio Prieto), Calle Rodrigo Caro, Plaza de
Doña Elvira, Calle Vida, Calle del Agua, Plaza Alfaro, continuing along
the northern edge of the Jardines de Murillo, Plaza de los Refinadores,
Paseo de Catalina de Ribera, Calle Menéndez y Pelayo, Glorieta de Don
Juan de Austria (La Pasarela) and Calle San Fernando.
On date April 2nd 2009 the Municipal Council of Government ap-
proves the awareness of the presentation of the Advance of the
said Special Protection Plan, being published in the Official Ga-
zette of the Province (BOP) No. 083 date on April 13, 2009 for pub-
lic display during 30 days.
On October 28th 2010, the said Special Plan was initially approved
by the Council of Government by taking cognizance by the Gov-
ernment Commission dated 10 November 2010 and being pub-
lished in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP ) No 290, page
28, dated December 17, 2010 for public exhibition during a month.
Dated June 1, 2012 it has been provisionally approved by the full
City Council of Sevilla the aforementioned Special Plan.
Dated March 21, 2014 was approved by the Governing Board and the
Supplementary Document and Plan of Visual Perceptual Decontami-
nation for provisional approval.
Archaeological interventions and theories about the origin
and transformation of the Alcázar.
The first scientific archaeological studies in the Alcázar were con-
ducted by Bendala and Negueruela in the Patio de Banderas in
1976, place that saw the light the remains of an early Christian
baptistery. However, since the last century (Tubino, 1886), docu-
mentary studies, typological analysis and reform operations have
been made that have had archaeological cleaning, the result of
which there have been many evolutionary hypotheses and his-
torical studies.
In addition to Tubino, other personalities such as Amador de los
Ríos (1875), Bosch Vilá (1984), Collantes de Terán (1977), Cómes Ra-
mos (1974), Espiau, M. (1991), Gestoso,J. (1890), Guerrero Lovillo
(1974), Jiménez Martín ( 1981), Manzano,R. (1976), Marín, A. (1988),
R. Valencia (1988), Valor, M. (1991) have ventured to interpret the
The historiographical tradition did gradually define different in-
terpretative models concerning the constructive evolution of the
whole. Leaving out the theories on the origin and occupation of
the Alcázar in ancient times, the truth is that there are no elevated
structures before the Islamic period. The first enclosure, tradition-
ally identified with the wall of ashlars that overlooks the Plaza del
Triunfo and the Calle Joaquín Romero Murube, has been a diffi-
cult dispute concerning its configuration and origin. Regarding the
form, two theories were argued:
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