Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla. Nº 16, 2015 - page 237

Opening the Alcázar wide
Bernardo Bueno Beltrán
Governor of the Patronato del Real Alcázar y Casa Consistorial de Sevilla
Pages 6-7
rommy position as a Governor of the
Real Alcázar de Sevilla
and inspite of my brief time taking this responsibility, I have
the honour of presenting the tasks undertaken in the fol-
lowing pages.
The Intervention Program has not been aimed just to the scientific
community, but to the whole Sevillian community. We have opened
up the doors of the Alcázar tomake known interventiones undertak-
en guided by professionals. An example of this is the World Tourism
Day, arousing keen interest in Seville, and the attractive Christmas
This new 16th issue of
Apuntes del Alcázar
, includes some of the
more significant works developed in this monument regarding
maintenance, restoration and research:
Plan Especial de Protección
del Sector 6 “Real Alcázar”; Protección de la Excavación del Patio de
Banderas; Plan de Ordenación de Restauraciones del conjunto monu-
mental; Intervención en la Galería del Grutesco; Restauración del Al-
farje del Rey en el Cuarto Real Alto, Intervención en las pinturas mu-
rales renacentistas de la Galería Central del Patio Bajo del Crucero
Los alicatados del Palacio Mudéjar del Real Alcázar de Sevilla.
For this Patronato, research and investigation are the main tasks, but
the dissemination by means of these pages is not less interesting.
In this issue, we can remark cultural activities as important as the
season “Noches en los Jardines del Real Alcázar”
with an occupation
of 97,76% this year; teatralized night visits and the “Ciclo de confer-
encias de Investigación y Restauración”.
Finally, we specially mention the historical record of visitors during
2014, which registered 1.325.854 people. We hope the contents of this
sixteenth issue of
Apuntes del Alcázar
to be of your interest.
English version
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