Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla. Nº 16, 2015 - page 245

General Urban Development Plan of 1987.
In 1985, work began on the Revision of the General Urban Devel-
opment Plan of Seville, which will last for a period of two years.
Within the revision, a detailed study of the problems of the historic
nucleus is performed and, in it, stands the current status of the
controversial Calle San Fernando, considering the need, as devel-
opment of the General Plan, to reorganize its left bank through a
Special Plan for Interior Restoration which definitively solves the
problem that has been entailed for so many years.
The 1987 General Urban Development Plan of Seville establishes
a multiple strategy for sanitation and restoration. Fundamental
parts of these operations constitute the drafting of a set of special
plans to attack the problems of each area.
In Sector 6 “Real Alcázar,” the PGOU proposes the development
of a unique Special Plan for Interior Restoration, the PERI-C-11
“Calle San Fernando,” written in 1988, responsible for reviewing
and correcting the errors caused by previous planning, especially
the last two. The lack of synchronicity between the Plan of 72 and
82 derived from an essay that did not consider the physical reality
of the street itself. It was so unnecessary to update the proposed
street in 1972 and the protection alternatives given to buildings
were so scarce in the plan of 82 that both led to the destruction of
the original buildings. The final outcome is a reflection in part of
what we see today, a mixed construction along an arrhythmic front
facade that had little to do with the original design. The modifica-
tion in 1998 could stop this constructive disorder, expanding the
protection of buildings to the needs of each one. The new plan
was implemented at a time when restorations were urgent due to
the advanced state of ruins in which many houses were, trying to
articulate the old refurbished and the new yet to build. The cata-
loguing is limited to those buildings that deserve such treatment,
particularly protecting the elements and areas of special interest.
In addition, on plots and ruins, determinants and patterns capable of
organizing an appropriate framework for the old buildings are set. The
rebuilding of the street focuses on the recovery of the scale and primi-
tive composition before 1972, through the conservation of the align-
ment, buildings height and order of the facades yet to build or restore
without turning to the mimetic reproduction in the past. The cata-
logued buildings will establish the guidelines for ordinance of those
buildings to be built, replaced or restored. The original facade line will
be respected, establishing recessed buildings out of order. The height
of the buildings could be two floors plus basement and attic. The fa-
cades must maintain the order of the preserved buildings.
The condition of the buildings in the year 1988, with the catalogu-
ing of each proposed by PERI, and the current condition of those,
has been the basis for the cataloguing proposed in the Planning
Report of the current sector.
General Urban Development Plan of 2006.
The General Urban Development Plan of Seville of 2006, considers
Sector 6 as a sector included in the delimitation of the Historical
Complex of Seville, and called it Sector BIC CC.S06.06 Reales Al-
cázares, developing individualized protection elements consider-
ing chips sector and the degree of protection the following:
El Plan General de Ordenación Urbanística de Sevilla de 2.006,
recoge el Sector 6 como un sector incluido en la delimitación del
Conjunto Histórico de Sevilla, y lo denomina Sector BIC Reales
Alcázares CC.S06.06, elaborando unas fichas individualizadas de
protección considerando elementos del sector y su grado de pro-
tección los siguientes:
Protection Degree
Reales Alcázares and Jardines del
CC.S06.02 Yanduri Building
María Inmaculada Nursery School
Patio de Banderas
Urban Space
Jardines de Murillo and Paseo de
Catalina de Ribera
A/ Urban Space
Calle San Fernando
Urban Space
The 2006 General Plan poses no planning intervention in this sec-
tor, it just restrict itself to its direct planning.
The first catalogue, as urban document, of Seville city can date back
to the one performed from the Aesthetic Ordinances of 1946 Plan.
Subsequently, the Interior Reform Plan of the Historic Centre
(PRICA) 1968 includes the aforementioned catalogue but, as it
considers any building that did not meet its determinations out
of planning, made possible that many of the catalogued buildings
were demolished and replaced by new constructions that had no
consideration for the historical heritage.
With the Modified 1979 PRICA, a systematic cataloguing of all
buildings is performed for the first time, linking the level of pro-
tection to works allowed in them.
In the Revision of the 1987 General Urban Development Plan the
guidelines set by the previous document are followed, reviewing
the cataloguing under a new more current criteria in terms of res-
toration and change of use. That legislation suffered a slight modi-
fication in 1994 to introduce the concept of protectable typology
for some that are unique to our city.
Finally, the 2006 General Plan, in sectors that lack of a definitively
approved catalogue, as in the case of Sector 6 “Real Alcázar”, main-
tains the cataloguing assigned in the 87 PGOU, with the correlation
of allowing to assimilate the levels of protection of those catalogues
to the criteria defined in the new General Plan. In this regard, the
General Plan, in terms of levels of protection, only introduces a dif-
ference compared to 87 PGOU, which is to remove the “E” level of
Environmental Protection, and transiently becomes a higher level
“D” until the revision of the corresponding Catalogue.
Made the above clarification, the General Catalogue of Built Herit-
age of the General Plan of Seville is created, and includes within
the declared Historical Complex, among others, the Sector 6 “Real
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