Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla. Nº 16, 2015 - page 288

286 Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla
Figure 55. Wood-eating insects attack the tail
Figure 56. Wood graft from a previous intervention
Figure 57. Bags and cups in portrait on the side of the main beam
No. 2-W
Figure 58 and 59. Polychromy degradation
Figure 60. Cleaning the dark varnish on partition
Figure 61. Cleaning sample over one of the repainted stars
Figure 62. Stripe polychromy in one of the emblems of the main
Figure 63. Disassembling the chipboard planks covering the alfarje
at its garret
Figure 64. Disassembling of a thick partition from the north side be-
hind which the wall abutments of the main beams are shown
Figure 65. y 66. REVERSE before and after its restoration In the pic-
ture on the left, the SECTIONEDMINOR BEAMS can be seen rest-
ing over one of the main beams
Figure 67. Structural consolidation of ring beams and
Figure 68. Volume replacement with pine wood and epoxy resin
Figure 69 and 70. Chuleteado in fissures and cracks
Figure 71. Fixing and settlement of the cups with hot palette knife
Figure 72. Fixing by injection and resin
Figure 73 and 74. Chemical cleaning and removal of repaint
Figure 75. Cleaning one of the emblems of the Solis by applying
swabs and compresses
Figure 76. Cleaning control of the central honeycomb work cluster
Figure 77 and 78. Chemical cleaning before and after
Figure 79. The fastening system of the central cluster has been re-
placed by a fiberglass pin that spans the newel laterally.
Figure 80. Detail
Figure 81. and 82. Placement of the MDF panels
Figure 83 and 84. Before and after its restoration
Figure 85 and 86. Before and after its restoration
Figure 87. Details of the polychromy
Figure 88. Final state. View of the main street
Figure 89. Final state.
servación de las armaduras ornamentales del cuarto Real Alto. Pro-
puesta para un programa de intervención. Apuntes del Alcázar, no.
2. Seville 2001. Pp. 36-49.
Alfarje del Despacho del Rey Cuarto Real alto.
Memoria de Intervención
. Real Alcázar de Sevilla 2013.
3 ALMAGRO 2013: 45 ss.
4 Gestoso provides with some clues in this respect, included in a
piece of news from June 1574, in which is mentioned that the car-
penters (commanded by Juan de Simancas), were
adding wood to one
of the five stables as the woodwork had been removed because it was ru-
ined, and so it will be restored and tiled.
GESTOSO (Reed. 1984), I: 559.
5 PUYOL, 1923: 202. Transcripción del viaje de Jerónimo Münzer en
el que se recoge la impresión del viajero sobre las obras que se esta-
ban llevando a cabo en el Real Alcázar (1494).
6 MARÍN II, 1991: 630
7 MARÍN II, 1991: 658: Some repair works were carried in the
de Hércules
between the years 1585-86, although it is not mentioned
whether it was woodwork. A communication staircase was being
done between the room and the Patio de las Doncellas at the end of
that year, that is, a wooden staircase that led to the northern corridor
of the patio was constructed. Martín Infante led the works that year
and manufactured several doors for that hall (MARÍN II, 1991: 659).
8GESTOSO (Reed. 1984) 673, 683-685. Bothpieces of news have beende-
scribed in much of the palace bibliography. The news of the earthquake
is very brief and hardly mentions the details of the catastrophe. It is quite
troMayor IgnacioMoreno is transcribed. The fire spread through the gal-
leries facing the Jardín del Príncipe, affecting among others the Salón de
Embajadores. It does not seemto have affected the current Office.
9 January 10, 1806, report by Miguel de Olivares Morales on the
works concluded by 1805-06. ARA 706-5. CHÁVEZ 2004: 198.
10 ARA 653-13. Extracted from CHÁVEZ 2004: 257. The document is
dated around 1857,
11 CHÁVEZ, 2004: 247. Relación de obras ejecutadas por José de la
Coba entre septiembre de 1854 y julio de 1857. (1857/06/31). ARA 638-
3, 635-14. In the writing, this hall is referred to as Sala 19. In the brief
description included in the document, it is noted its squared plan
and only two windows, one of them facing the Corredor del Patio de
las Doncellas and another facing las Muñecas. The Office currently
have two openings facing las Doncellas.
12 SÁNCHEZ 1991, I: 95. His lineage goes back to Rui de Esquivel, who
was one of the two hundred knights inheriting in the partition of Se-
ville. He obtained such information from a genealogical album (
curso genealógico de la nobilísima y antigua casa de los Tello de Sevilla
by Luís Fernández Melgarejo, published in 1660, and kept at the Co-
lombina), which reads:
She got married to the Commander of Santiago
and twenty fourth of Seville Gómez de Solís, born in Caceres and resident
in Seville after taking part in the conquest of Naples as a Colonel
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