Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla. Nº 16, 2015 - page 280

278 Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla
Figure 12. Value Chain
Figure 13. Lithography “Seville vue prise de la terrase de l’Alcazar
d’apres nature” (Views of the city from the uncovered passage of the
Real Alcázar
) by Chapuy, during the middle of the nineteenth cen-
tury; current state after the recovery of the uncovered passage of the
Galería del Grutesco
Figure 14. Different pictures of the demolition work
Figure 15. Planimetry of the project including the three new struc-
tural types; detail of the general section of the framework made of
collaborating steel plates
Figure 16. Different pictures of the adaptation work and the wiring
disposition through the false ceiling
Figure 17. Final state of the uncovered passage. Detail of the hand-
made flooring disposition
Figures 18 and 19. Final state of the covered passage once it had been
whitewashed and the lights had been placed
Figures 20 to 22. Uncovered passage lighting
Figure 23. General view once the work was finished
Figure 24. 360-degree view of the
Real Alcázar
gardens from the un-
covered passage
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