Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla. Nº 16, 2015 - page 287

Figure 1 General view of the alfarje
Figure 2Plan of the Mudejar Palace upper floor, highlighting the
King’s Office. Basse: Almagro 2000
Figure 3. MAIN BEAMS. In red, the original naming
Figure 4. NAMING in one of the main beams
Figure 5. High Royal Chambers, Mudejar Palace. Among the built
parts are the bays of the Patios de la Montería and de las Doncellas.
The arrangement of the first front must be kept until the construc-
tion of the current main staircase, hence the name of the five stables.
Shaded: the King’s Office (Basse: ALMAGRO 2013).
Figure 8. Development of the structure seen from the rear side
Figure 9. Cross section where the arrangement of the three types of
bems can be seen.
Figure 10. Central motif with lacing ornamentation
Figure 11. Central motif with lacing ornamentation
Figure 13.
on the inferior surface of the east beam
Figure 14.Alfarje development taking a picture of Enrique Nuere as
an example and modifying the direction and arrangement of the
ring beams. This drawing originally belonged to an alfarje fromCasa
Figure 15. Ornamentation Typology in beams and thick partitions
Figure 16. Ornamentation Typology in partitions and minor beams
Figure 27, 28 and29. The Solis emblem is shown in these images
under the representation of the elderly and the young . Interest-
ingly enough, both are framed by the same ornamental motifs. We
assume that they were originally located facing each other. Cur-
rently one of them is located as the partition wall No. 5 of the north
side and the other one is placed as the partition wall No. 2 of the
south side.
Figure 30. Microsample (M-DR.01).- Repainted over gilt
Figure 31. Optical microscope obtained image of the cross section
of the M-DR.11 microsample (MPlan objective 20 X / 0.40).) The nu-
merical order indicated is shown in the corresponding table
Figure 32.Optical microscope obtained image of the cross section
of the M-DR.01 microsample (MPlan objective 20 X / 0.40).) Detail
of the stratigraphy where painting and repainting varnish can be
seen penetrating through a crack and reaching through the layer
of bond
Figure 33.Optical microscope obtained image of the cross section
of the M-DR.01 microsample (MPlan objective 20 X / 0.40).) Obser-
vation with UV light. The whitish fluorescence of the varnish lay-
ers can be seen (layers 4 and 6) emphasizing varnish penetration
through a crack into the paint.
Figure 34.Scanning Electron Microscope obtained image (SEM) of
the cross section of the M-DR.01 microsample (1500X). The gold leaf
can be seen using greater contrast (bright) (layer 3)
Figure 35.Nº 6.- portrait
polychrome (M-DR.07)
Figure 36. Optical microscope obtained image of the cross section of
the M-DR.07 microsample (MPlan objective 20 X / 0.40).) The nu-
merical order indicated is shown in the corresponding table
Figure 35. Optical microscope obtained image of the cross section
of the M-DR.07 microsample (MPlan objective 10 X / 0.25) Observa-
tion with UV light. The whitish fluorescence of the varnish layer is
visible (layer 5)
Figure 38.No. 6.- Portrait flesh polychrome (M-DR.11)
Figure 39. Optical microscope obtained image of the cross section
of the M-DR.11 microsample (MPlan objective 10 X / 0.25).) The nu-
merical order indicated is shown in the corresponding table
Figure 40. Optical microscope obtained image of the cross section of
the M-DR.11 microsample (MPlan objective 50 X / 0.75).)
Figure 41. Optical microscope obtained image of the cross section of
the M-DR.11 microsample (MPlan objective 50 X / 0.75).)
Figure 42. Identifying varnish or coating
Figure 43. EDX spectrum obtained from the analysis performed on
the red layer (layer 2) of the microsample M-DR.01
Figure 44. EDX spectrum obtained from the analysis performed on
the gold leaf (layer 2) of the microsample M-DR.01
Figure 45. EDX spectrum obtained from the analysis performed on
the green layer (layer 5) of the microsample M-DR.01
Figure 46.- EDX spectrum obtained from the analysis performed on
the reddish dun layer (layer 6) of the microsample M-DR.01
Figure 47 EDX spectrum obtained from the analysis performed on
the whitish layer (layer 3) of the microsample M-DR.01
Figure 48 EDX spectrum obtained from the analysis performed on
the red layer (layer 4) of the microsample M-DR.01
Figure 49 Chromatogram obtained from the analysis of organic ma-
terials (M-DR.01 microsample)
Figure 50 Chromatogram obtained from the analysis of organic ma-
terials (M-DR.07 microsample)
Figure 51 Chromatogram obtained from the analysis of organic ma-
terials (M-DR.11 microsample)
Figure 52. This image shows the large number of replacement parts
(cyan coloured)
Figure 53. A metal plate on one of the main beams
Figure 54. Brown rot
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